New Perimeter by the numbers
DLA Piper lawyers involved
DLA Piper global offices involved
Countries, on-the-ground work
Lawyers and students trained
What we do
New Perimeter collaborates with charitable organizations, governments and academic institutions to provide pro bono legal assistance around the world. Our projects are managed by full-time pro bono lawyers and staffed by teams of DLA Piper lawyers from across the firm's global offices. Our collaborations often last for several years or more and frequently involve travel to work alongside our clients and project partners in-country. Below are some examples of the types of work New Perimeter has undertaken.
Women's advancement
Research has shown that empowering women is an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty globally. New Perimeter aims to support women’s advancement as an overarching goal of a majority of our projects.

Access to justice
Accessing legal remedies for grievances through the justice system is a fundamental right that is frequently unavailable to under-served and vulnerable populations. New Perimeter is working to narrow this gap by empowering both justice seekers and those who assist them.

Nature and the environment
Nature loss and damaged ecosystems undermine food security and put people and communities at risk. New Perimeter works to build capacity and resilience in climate vulnerable nations.

Social and economic development
Social and economic development are closely linked – economic growth can help alleviate poverty and raise standards of living. New Perimeter is helping to foster both through our global initiatives.

Sound legal institutions
Functional legal institutions are necessary precursors to political stability and economic development. New Perimeter is helping to strengthen legal sectors and to build the capacity of lawyers and law students around the world.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 urgent calls to action adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015 to address critical global challenges over the next 15 years. For the first time, international development targets include a focus on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (Goal 16). New Perimeter’s work advances and aligns with Goal 16 and supports other important SDG objectives, including Gender Equality (Goal 5), Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8), Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10), and Climate Action (Goal 13).